Wedding planning advice

You are planning the wedding and it seems you got everything covered. But there are things you wouldn’t know until you come back from your honeymoon and comprehend that something may have been done another way… or not done at all. It’s always nice to know the wedding planning advice of brides who went through the wedding planning process and can share their experiences.

So, here we go with indispensable wedding planning advice that you are lucky to know beforehand.

wedding planning advice
  • Once you compiled a preliminary guest list, you can settle on a venue. Make sure to allow up to 30 square feet for each guest. No, it’s not a lot taking into account there will be hustling waiters and guests will need enough space to dance.
  • Make sure your wedding date doesn’t fall on a special event in your town which can affect traffic and hotels availability. 
  • Don’t forget about your wedding day crew (vendors). They will need a dinner too, of course it shouldn’t be as fancy as guests one, but equally hearty. So, think of a meal plan in advance.
wedding plan
  • Speaking about vendors, remember to thank them all – better publicly. You may consider writing a detailed review on the website which rates vendors. 
  • You probably follow the wedding budget formula which is totally right. But to be on the safe side, allocate up to 10% for unexpected expenses which will definitely show up during preparations.
  • Keep your guest list reasonable. It’s ok if not all your coworkers, neighbors and parents’ friends get an invitation. Money doesn’t grow on trees and by prioritizing your guests you can literally save some grands. An easy way to eliminate unwanted guests is to make a tier of priority where both immediate families and best friends stay on top followed by your close friends and aunts/uncles and their children. Then go the rest: coworkers, neighbors, parent’s friends and others. If you want to make the list shorter, start from the bottom. 
  • Do one thing at a time – step by step in a logical order. If you have a short period left before your wedding date and still a long list of things to-do, cross off the 3 unimportant ones and never think of them again.
wedding gifts
  • Thinking about the guest gifts ideas, you don’t want to give them any DIY things they will throw after party. But you do want to give them something practical. A proper thing to do is to give them a snack. If food is not an option, you may also think of customized mugs / pints or even plants. You’ll later be delighted to see them being in use long after your wedding. 
wedding organizing
  • Another point about DYI. If you think you are good at something… still hire a professional. Wedding is not the time to challenge your skills even if it’s only a nail art. 
  • Act as a team with your husband-to-be. Everything has to be discussed together and all decisions have to be made together. This will help immensely in after wedding life.
  • Don’t be shy to speak up and say “no”. Vendors will try to talk you into something more expensive or different from what you want. They might make mistakes. You ought to speak up at that moment – you are the one paying money and have the right to get what you want. 
  • Don’t forget about your bridesmaids. Treat them the way you want to be treated and let them choose the dress matching them (not your likings) most even if they don’t look the same with other bridesmaids. 
  • There is a whole lot of wedding dress options. But you have to keep in mind – half of them will look good on you. So to save a headache of choosing and a time waste, just pick the first one your eyes catch.
  • And the last wedding planning advice. Believe us – there are a lot of thing guests won’t just care about. What most of them will care is food, a good dance and fun time. So, concentrate on those 3 and save your efforts on choosing the perfect flowers for centerpiece or font-style of invitations. 
planning your wedding

With our precious pieces of advice you can spare your time and power while planning your wedding.

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